Saturday, June 26, 2010


Jason's favorite game to play is superheroes. We like to talk about our most desired superpowers. Last night, we were at an indoor playground and Jason told me he was now "Drowner Rounder" - a superhero who had the superpower to breathe underwater. He's always coming up with really great new superheroes. He asked me what superpower I had that day. Since I was tired and wanted to stay sitting down, I said that I was invisible. Danny, also tired, was sitting next to me. He asked what we were talking about. I said that we were playing superheroes. He's not quite sure what the deal is yet, but he sure does love running around with his hands in the air behind Jason. I then asked him what his superpower was. He looked puzzled, so I asked, "What can you do?" He obviously understood when he smiled big. "I can poop! Superpoop!" I have 2 boys - superheroes and poop are just normal dinner table conversation around here!

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